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Membrane Load Cell


  • Monitoring and controll of the injection unit


  • Compact design in measuring direction
  • Custom-made fabrication
    (supply of mechanics by Swisstechnics)
  • Bonding and calibration service
    (customer delivers machanics)
Load cells for measuring the injection pressure
Membrane load cells are primary used to measure injection pressure and back pressure respectively. Normally the mechanics is individually manufactured as required. It is also possible that the costumer delivers the mechanic parts and Swisstechnics bonds the strain gauges and calibrate the load cell.

Specifications and Options

  • Full-bridge with four or eight strain gauges
  • Passive version for using with amplifier
  • Amplifier can be integrated (screwed housing)
  • EMPA certificate available

If you have any question or application-specific requirements please don't hesitate to contact us. We are pleased to help.